Karl Largerfeld creates $2,800 drawing and coloring kit for Faber Castell

WWD - Karl Lagerfeld, who continues to churn out provocative political cartoons for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, relies on his Faber-Castell pencil crayons. Now he has designed the ultimate set: a Karlbox containing 350 tools for drawing and painting, housed in a sleek black wooden box resembling a Chinese wedding cabinet.
Only 2,500 will be produced and sold exclusively beginning today at Faber-Castell stores, Karl Lagerfeld boutiques and Harrods in London. Select department and specialty stores — including Breuninger in Stuttgart, Jelmoli in Zurich, Le Bon Marché in Paris and Gump’s in San Francisco — will also stock the box from Sept. 19. The retail price is 2,500 euros, or $2,850.
“To me, drawing is like breathing and writing. These are things that almost relax me,” Largerfeld said after mentioning that Faber-Castell has been regarded as a high quality brand since the designer was a child. His instruments of choice are the Albrecht Dürer range of pencils, which according to Faber Castell can function as traditional watercolors on the right paper.