Hat Tip to Louis Vuitton's #MakeAPromise Partnership with UNICEF

WWD - Louis Vuitton’s #makeapromise initiative in association with UNICEF raised money for children in need. The brand celebrated #makeapromise day on Jan. 12, 2017. On this day, LV sales associates across 460 Louis Vuitton stores worldwide promoted the sales of silver Lockit jewelry items; a portion of the money from the sales of these items was donated to UNICEF. $200 from the sale of every $600 pendant and $500 bracelet reached UNICEF.
“The idea of the #makeapromise campaign comes from children: when they make a promise, they mean it, and they seal it with a pinky promise. Children show us a simple way to change the world,” said Louis Vuitton’s chairman and chief executive officer, Michael Burke. “One year after our successful launch, our teams have come up with this idea to keep our promise alive. It’s about joining forces worldwide to raise funds and awareness for children. We believe in word of mouth. Our goal is to reach as many people as possible and to make a real difference.”